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Weekly Buddhist Meditation Classes

Mondays 7-8pm, starting 17th March

David Oromith from Samadhi hosts weekly classes on Monday evenings, offering training in meditation and teachings on Buddhist mind-training techniques.

74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. These classes offer the opportunity to discover what meditation and Buddhist mind training can do for mental well-being and to meet and share with like-minded people.

Our meditation & Buddhism classes are perfect for both beginners and those with more experience. We hope to provide you with the foundation for developing your own regular meditation practice, and help you develop tools that reduce stress, anxiety and worry; and nurture a happier, calmer, and more positive approach to life.

Contact: Marie by email or by WhatsApp.


We invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletter which gives you the chance not to miss out!
The Swansea Wellbeing Centre CIC

Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5PQ

01792 732071 (wellbeing enquiries only)

For class info please contact practitioner directly

General and room rental enquiries by email only

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Complaints procedure.

Any concerns regarding your visit to the Centre should be sent via email to this address:


All complaints will be treated with the sensitivity they deserve and a formal response will be provided at the end of complaints procedure.

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