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Awakening the Third Eye

Saturday 26th April 10am-1pm

Asana, Mudra, Breathwork and Meditation Activation Journey

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matthew 6:22

Opening the doorway to the infinite by awakening your spiritual eye

Join us for 3 hours of Third Eye Activation.

The third eye is your access point to the astral realm of prana. When the third eye is active, we can access the energetic aspect of reality and can start to influence it. Having a functioning third eye is a prerequisite to any form of energy work, energy healing and higher practices of yoga.

The third eye is a powerful vortex of energy and activating this chakra is a form of initiation into the inner realm.

In this session we will focus on awakening and activating the third eye through asana, bandha, powerful breathwork, third eye specific pranayama, and a guided 5D meditation. We will finish the session with a yoga-nidra practice the embed the effects of the session and keep this door way open and accessible.

The session will include physical practice of specific movement and asana to prepare the body and the nervous system for this powerful awakening.

The session is suitable for all levels of ability.

*Please note that this workshop does have a 48 hour non-refundable policy unless your space can be filled.


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The Swansea Wellbeing Centre CIC

Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5PQ

01792 732071 (wellbeing enquiries only)

For class info please contact practitioner directly

General and room rental enquiries by email only

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All complaints will be treated with the sensitivity they deserve and a formal response will be provided at the end of complaints procedure.

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